Sunday, May 04, 2008

blu thought I might enjoy one of these mugs. She's right!

Good luck on Tuesday Hilly!


Clank Napper said...

Is the election finally here then? I hope the mormon doesn't win brother in law is a smug git anyway. If the mormon wins it, he will be unbearable.

Or is he out of the race anyway?

Anonymous said...

I may actually buy one of these to annoy me boss, he can't stand Hillary and I love looking for opportunities to annoy him that aren't punishable by being fired. -blu

The Broards said...

The election isn't until November but we're still going through the primaries to narrow down the field to two major party candidates.
Indiana's primary's tomorrow and both Hillary and Obama have been spending lots and lots of money here.

The Mormon, Mitt Romney, dropped out of the race, but he wants the Republican candidate, John McCain , to name him as Vice President candidate on his ticket. Hopefully that won't happen

Clank Napper said...

Wow. all those months of election fever. You must all be bored to the brink of insanity.

Gail said...

You must all be bored to the brink of insanity.

To put it mildly...