Sunday, April 27, 2008

The world can rest easy: Baller won $500,000 on Big Brother. He's giving $100,000 to an autism charity to help the same kids he called retarded.


Anonymous said...

He's really seems like a down to earth person and is doing more for autistic kids than some of who frown upon the word retarded. Anyway, Ryan lost me when he said he would spend money on Jen, that was a mistake on his part - Jen was hated. Did you see her dress and at the end the way she was standing in front of him grabbing his spotlight? I don't like her, and while he seems like a decent guy, his girlfriend called him a racist in front of millions of people - how horrid. -blu

Clank Napper said...

A fifth eh? That makes everything allright.

I just rewatched the Office episode where Dwight finds a joint in the car park. It is still my favourite episode so far.

Anonymous said...

I don't frown on the word retarded, but it should be used correctly. having Autism does not mean that ones IQ is generally lower than the 70 range. being MR means that your IQ is lower than the 70 range and that's that. Autism is the "in" thing in special ed right now. All of the research, special events, groups, and fundraising is geared towards it.

If he does give those kids all that money, good for him. i don't know who he is or what he said and i don't think giving money makes one a better person. I personally think it's tacky to give a lot of money away and then blab about the good deeds one has done, but that's just me.


Jenny Robin said...

You used to blog every day. What's the matter? Are you ok?

Hop to it, lady.