Friday, April 25, 2008


I got a lot accomplished on my day off. I have bags of mulch and mushroom compost and peat and potting soil heaped in my yard. I moved around some yard things to make room for the family of gnomes coming to stay for the summer.

Boy is Indiana ever popular with the Democratic candidates, but we haven’t seen McCain which doesn’t disappoint me any. Hillary and Obama are running constant television and radio ads. It feels so special to be courted.

One local politician-guy caught my interest just because of his name: David Orentlichter. Pronounced Orent-licker. I looked up his website and seems he’s both a physician and an attorney. I wonder if he’s ever sued himself for malpractice. Anyway, the pictures on his website are pretty bland: One of him, his wife and their 2.1 children looking all “Ideal family.” One of him with two hard hat-types—this is probably to impart the fact that he’s pro-jobs. And one of him reading to African American kids (one’s looking bored as hell.

I think it would be refreshing to hear a candidate say “I have no new ideas. I’m dumb as a post. I just want to go to Washington so I can get free haircuts, free postage, free health care, a kickass retirement, and get wined and dined by people wanting my vote on legislation.Vote for me! I’m John J. Dumbass and I approve this message.”


Gail said...

Put Atlanta in place of Washington and you have the entire Georgia House and Senate. The bad thing is they're not even embarrassed about it.

mavis sidebottom said...

We have Boris Johnson running for mayor of london odoing that very thing bless him

fezidian said...

"I think it would be refreshing to hear a candidate say “I have no new ideas. I’m dumb as a post."

Ha, that was funny. :) I agree! It might work as a tactic. I once saw a homeless guy at an intersection in Houston with a cardboard sign reading "I admit it, I just want a beer." He was raking in the dollars. I think people were paying for a laugh during rush hour.