Wednesday, April 16, 2008

People please

Who first started saying "at the end of the day"?

Also "It is what it is"?

I'm sick of both of these sayings.

Is it Dr Suess-type philosophy?

What gives?


Brenda said...

i often think of things like that. like the sayings, everything works out in the end, good things come to those who wait. just cause someone said it, doesn't make it so.

Anonymous said...

Like people need religion - people need these stupid comfort sayings.

I didn't know it was Bert as in Bertram you banned from your blog - lolololol - was I not saying for the longest he was an ass?

- blu

Gail said...

"It is what it is"-shudder. I first heard this from my SIL and now I'm hearing it every day all day long it seems. Someone make it stop-it's most annoying.

mavis sidebottom said...

I think at the end of the day is english football managers who use such meaningful phrases as < well motty at the end of the day it was a game of two halves

Anonymous said...

it's not a saying but i am so tired of hearing "like" as every other word. It doens't help that many of the younger teachers use "like" as often as the kids do.

i literally had a kid tell me

"like the preface is like the part of like the story where like the authors like get you umm like ready for the like story itself like...." After several minutes i stopped her and had someone who can form a sentence without "like" in it answer the questions.

I don't hear "whatever" as often as i used to thank god.


Orbie/\;;/\ said...

The one I hate the most is
"God doesn't give us more than we can handle"

What bull that is!

mavis sidebottom said...

I hate pushing th envelope, I mean at the end f the day wha does pushing the fucking envelope achieve and would god give us a bigger envelope to push than we could manage?

Anonymous said...

so Mavis, when you push your envelope, are you inside or outside of it?

Totally agree with you, Orbie. Makes me want to say "I dunno about that, he's put you in my path today."

Anonymous said...

It Is What It Is … But What Is It?
A sports cliché for our times.

at the end it says:

in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, philosopher John Locke wrote that "essence may be taken for the very being of anything, whereby it is what it is."

Somehow I don't think the sports figures using this phrase took it directly from John Locke.

Beanns37 said...

I use "it is what it is" a lot, esp since all the lovely BC stuff. I think it just sums it up :)