Saturday, March 08, 2008


Hesh up Dear Mems. You can suffer through my green blog for a bit. It's to signify Spring and all green things to come.

Spidey Lou: I drift in and out of my Bliss.

Today BP, LP my Mom, Sis and I are driving up to Midway Airport to drop off the BP so he can fly to Texas to pick up a vehicle he bought from a friend. I'm telling you it thrills me to no end to give up a Saturday to have my ass in a car for hours and hours, but it's a request from the husband so I'll suffer in silence.

Schell: Did you like Lost. Ben gets creepier and creepier. I'll bet you a Powerball ticket that his "contact" on the freighter is none other than MICHAEL! I read where he's supposed to come back this year.


Brenda said...

drive another 150 miles north and we will do lunch and cocktails. :)

schell said...

I agree with the Michael guess. Who do you think the psychologist meant when she told Juliet looks just like her?
I'm still not sure if the freighters are the good guys or the bad guys...what do you think?

Brenda said...

the green blog looks blue to me.

am i colorblind and i didn't know it?

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Oh my goodness I never even thought about Michael coming back. I was wondering if one of the people from the freighter already on the island is the contact. Like that nasty redhead!

I am beginning to have the same aversion to Ben that I have to George Bush... I can hardly stand to see him on the screen. I really think I might punch that actor if I ever saw him on the street LOL

Brenda said...

emma, did you get caught in the snow storm? i hear it snowed 20 inches in some parts of indiana. hope you are okay.