Friday, February 01, 2008

Nominee for Worst Video

I don't watch many music videos but I was clicking past VH1 this morning and saw a video Gone Gone Gone--a duet by Robert Plant and Allsion Krauss (love her.) The song is a bouncy ditty but the production and creativity values of this video were awful. It looked like it had a budget of a thousand dollars. There were three sets:
1. A giant silver room with big disco balls hanging down. The two were on tread mills singing to each other--looked like a giant roll of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil vomited on them.
2. They were in a room of those big blow up Wave Balloons--you know the kind that car dealerships use to draw people's attention to a car sale. They were singing and getting wind-blown hair.
3. A huge Gold Lame room with people sitting at tables, and other people dancing, and Plant and Krauss pointing to each other and singing.

Bad. Horrible. Bad. Horrible. And just plain Yucky.


Anonymous said...
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Jenny Robin said...

I love the song, but I haven't seen the video. I haven't seen any videos in probably 15 years. I'm sure it's on YouTube. Maybe I'll track it down...

nah, maybe not.

Jenny Robin said...

I love the song, but I haven't seen the video. I haven't seen any videos in probably 15 years. I'm sure it's on YouTube. Maybe I'll track it down...

nah, maybe not.

mavis sidebottom said...

I dislike the song intensly it was record of the week on the radio station I listen to and I had to turn the radio off when it came on

Anonymous said...

dislike both, when i hear the song, i keep waiting for something to happen, some sort of climax in the music, it never happens. and the video looks like one of my lesser-abeled kids threw it together the night before it was due as a term-project in tech ed.
