Saturday, November 03, 2007

Books, Crap & Birds

1. I received a personalized signed copy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s book Crimes Against Nature. It's about how Dubya and his corporate friends are raping and killing the environment. He was signing his book at DePauw University, and so a friend sent me one. Not for free. I paid for it, but he stood in line and had it signed.

2. There's a craft show here today. There are usually about a 100 booths. I can't decide whether or not to go. I like walking around and seeing stuff, but I neither want nor need any more crap to bring home.

3. I need to fill my birdfeeders. I haven't filled them in a few weeks, and ths morning when I went outside to get the newspaper I saw about six birds carrying signs that said "A cheapass woman who doesn't fill her feeders lives here!"


Brenda said...

craft shows.... i like to look too but i don't need any more crap either. in fact, i am taking a ride to the dump this morning to get rid of some of the crap.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Robert F Kennedy the dead one?! Who actuall signed the book?

Anonymous said...

it is rfk jr's book clank. you are thinking of rfk, jfk and jfk jr who are all dead.

Anonymous said...

I think if I was a Kennedy, I would never ger in a plane or car or attempt any political job whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

emma. you inspired me to fill my bird feeder and get some berry suet for our little feathered friends. :)