Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Mid Week

I'm tired of looking at the handsome Jonathan Rhys Meyers so I'm posting a new entry.
Nothing new or exciting, let me assure you. I wrote Spidey an email loaded with lots of nasty words insisting that she post to her blog. She is disrupting my morning routine of reading her blog.

Off to work in awhile but I might stop at Panera Bread for a coffee and one of their Asiago CHeeses bagels, sliced and well-toasted. I like my toast well-toasted--none of this lightly- toasted crappola. I WANT BROWN. MAYBE EVEN CHARRED.

Side note to blu and Tree: More fucking tears from Amber--even on Power of 10. haha--she defended Michael Vick when Drew Carey made a joke. She doesn't even know! Dumbass. "I don't know what 'scrutinized' is." Dumbass

Eric's a weasle. Jameka need to live atop a mountain so she can pray and contemplate her naval and/or navel and/or oranges. Jessica and Eric in bed made me vomit a little.


Meme said...

You have no idea how proud it makes me to have made people accross the internet unable to spell weasel over the last 10 years

Anonymous said...

lol I was thinking that was your influence too.

Anonymous said...

only for you, Mems. ONly for you


Sonya said...

I am praying for Amber to stay because she's the most entertaining thing I've ever seen on that show. Did you see how jealous Danielle was when Amber beat her? I love Drew Carey. Mr. Tree despises him. We just don't see eye to eye. Who do you think is going to win the whole thing? I think either Danielle or Eric. But I hope that Jess wins. I hated her and still don't really like her, but she's about the only one left I could stomach.

Anonymous said...

it sounds like i really missed out on watching this show.

Anonymous said...


Daniele=whiner, poor me
Amber=cryer and anti-Semite
Jameka=holier than thou boring, sliding under the radar player
Dick=cunt caller
Eric=weasle and/or weasel and rat face
Jessica=i hate her voice and the fact that she thinks the Weasle/weasel is cute

so that leaves Zach. sigh


Anonymous said...

I wanted to see Power of Ten---I missed it. :-(

Tall Guy (what's his name) has the personality of a ten year old stinky shoe. Amber really needs to go, I can not stand her. I started this show hating Danielle and Evil Dick---and now I am rooting for them both. But you know if Dick and Danielle are in the final two---Dick will want everyone to vote for his daughter. How stupid can the others be to let them get this far TOGETHER? And I do not find Eric attractive in the least bit-his looks, his personality, nothing. - blu

Sonya said...

Maybe the ultimate revenge would be to make Dick win and then he'd have to decide if he wanted to share with Danielle. Ha. I can't stand Amber either, but the show would be so much more boring without her red, red eyes.

The Broards said...

"but the show would be so much more boring without her red, red eyes"

not to mention the twisting and kissing of that damned necklace