Saturday, December 02, 2006

Saturday in the Hinterlands

All of a sudden, it’s winter here! After two days of awful wind and three inches of rain, it turned sunny. The water in my birdbath is frozen solid. I want to find a heater but I want a battered operated heater, if there is such a thing. Several years ago, the last birdbath heater I had was a plug in and my sweet, well-meaning (now deceased) neighbor ran over the cord with her snow blower. Out of the goodness of her heart she was snow-blowing our front walk when it happened, so I couldn’t get mad at her.
Anyway, I want a battered powered heater now.
As soon as the dryer goes off, I’m going shopping. I have a few necessities to get (kitty litter, toilet paper, shampoo) and then I want to just nosy around for awhile.
I’ve been up since 7 this morning and already I’ve had breakfast and coffee, vacuumed, cleaned the litter box, and washed two loads of laundry. Later I need to clean the bathroom—tub, sink and toilet—unless I can command LP to do it. But, to be honest, I’ll be happy to he just tackles that nastyass room of his.

Spidey, are you hung over from your martini binge yesterday?

Respighi (if you see this) have you heard anything good about Peter Falk’s autobiography? I ordered it and it should arrive soon. I’m going to start John Grisham’s The Innocent Man today. I’ve never read John Grisham’s lawyer books, but this one is a real story.

A kitty just pounced on my lap, so I'll sign off now.


Anonymous said...

is battered powered some quaint american term for battery powered?or does it get its power by being beaten half to death?

Brenda said...

nope, i am as alert as ever! hehe

i decided against drinking martinis all day. i shoveled snow instead.

Catz said...


i've read a few of Grisham's books. he's good. the firm was the first book i read by him. i read it in 2 days. it's really good. the movie was ok. i'm going book shopping sometime before the weekend's out. maybe not today. i'm having problems with some antibiotics i'm on. it seems to not agree with my stomach.i'll have to talk to the doc monday.

it was 80 here yesterday and sunny but today it's 50 something and overcast. blah!

Anonymous said...
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Brenda said...

thanks for the 3 northpole postcards!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that Britney Spears doesn't appear to be that good a mother?

Gri$ham writes successful commercial literature. Naturally I'm jealous. Compare him to Scott Turow, who is also an attorney and writes 'lawyer literature' and keep a look out of Deux ex Machinas and you'll see what I mean.

Catz said...

'This post has been removed by the blog administrator'

now i'm curious but need to beware since curiosity killed the cat...;)

Catz said...

i bought the new Grisham book plus many other books. geez! $101.00...they will get read and be enjoyed tho.

Brenda said...

Have you noticed that Britney Spears doesn't appear to be that good a mother?>>>>

yeah. i noticed that when she dropped her first kid on his head and used him as an airbag while she was driving. she is a ditz to the nth degree. if those kids survive till they are in thier teens they will probably OD on drugs from living with a whack job mother. why does someone have to remind her to wear underpants?

Catz said...

coz she is a ditz

UrbanStarGazer said...

I've read a couple of Grisham novels and thought they were all crap except for "A Time to Kill" which he had said was his best book. I have to say I agree but mostly because it's the closest to the type of law he actually practiced.

He was a criminal lawyer who worked in a 2 attorney office in Nowhere, Mississippi. And it shows.

The biggest thing about Grisham that bugs me is people thinking his books are accurate about litigation cuz he was an attorney. They're not. Anyone who knows anything about litigation will tell you that it's obvious from reading his book that he's never engaged in litigation. In fact, it's kind of embarrassing reading his versions of big firm litigation.