Saturday, October 07, 2006

I got up early today and went to Panera Bread for a small coffee and an Asiago cheese bagel, sliced and toasted, and had to contend with an uppity counter girl named “Heather.” It was obvious that Heather did not want to have to work on Saturday morning and made sure everyone knew it, but too damned bad. Is it too much to ask for butter, plastic knife and a napkin for a to-go order? And have them put in a bag without a sneer?

So then I went to Meijer’s and bought: liquid hand soap, Dawn detergent, milk, bread, a gold pineapple which smell divine, toilet paper, (the big honkin’ package of Charmin mega) an Enquirer which shows a collapsed Oprah on the cover, a head of garlic, potato sticks, Liquid Plumber for my slow bathroom sink drain, eggs, and some Glad plastic wrap.

A pineapple, Enquirer, and Liquid Plumber in the same store. Aint America grand??

I came home and filled the birdfeeders. Today’s weather is glorious. After my inside chores I think I’ll go outside and putter around.

I taped 20/20 last night. I’ll have to watch that later. They had a special on the Seven Deadly Sins and were highlighting SLOTH. One segment was supposed to be about lazy teenagers and how you can get them to straighten up their bedrooms. We’ll see about that. Speaking of taping shows, I was soooooo pissed. I had taped The Office and CSI on Thursday, watched the Office Friday morning before work and rewound it because I wanted to watch it again later. When I got home yesterday I HAD TAPED SOMETHING ON BRAVO OVER THE OFFICE AND MOST OF CSI! To make matters WORSE, it was a James Lipton interview with Mr Couch-Hopper Himself: Tom Cruise. Life is sometimes very cruel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jilly, did you *have* to tell me that?