Saturday, September 23, 2006

Tidbits on Two TV premieres

The Office.

Hated the episode. It was all about Michael outing Oscar. That would have been a good subplot, but as the main story line? No. A Gaydar detector? Isn’t that like five years old? Jim’s left the Scranton Branch? Noooo. Pam looked so forlorn and lost not having anyone else who “gets it.” The writing was superb though. There were some pearls:
1. Creed realizing that he could have had sex with a man. He’s done some wild things in the 60’s . . in the mud. A man “could have slipped in.”
2. Phyllis stating that she’s not a lesbian. She’s engaged to Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration.
3. The woman in Jim’s new office imitating his “looks to the camera.” Priceless.
4. Jim’s head shake and look to the camera when the guy whose calculator he embedded in Jello went ballistic.
5. Dwight’s smirk when Michael asked him why he didn’t think Angela was a lesbian.

This episode: C, Overall A +

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

It was a good episode (Part one of two). The back stage of a Cirque show was interesting to see. I loved when Grissom got Sara Sidle lunch. “I got you a veggie burger.” That was very sweet and probably the most romantic thing Grissom could have done for Sara. I love that these two are having an affair. I love the character of Sara Sidle, and I like Grissom, and these two are just perfect for one another. (I know that these characters are fictional so shut the hell up)
Now for the bad news. I was incensed when they ended with Catherine Willows being the apparent victim of a rape by roofies. That's so cliche and it's been done by other shows. They had better bring this to an end to my satisfaction, boy! She went out for a drink and dancing with Nick Stokes (as just friends) Nick scoped out a hottie and asked her to dance. Catherine was enjoying a drink and turned down a drink offered by a guy. As she was getting woozy and disoriented we see Nick, (leaving with said hottie) waving goodbye to her from across the room. Nick Stokes is the compassionate CSI! He feels for the victims and comforts them—that’s his calling card. He would never have left Catherine there without going and talking to her to see if she was alright with him leaving her behind!
On the other hand it was totaling in character that Jim Brass felt uncomfortable with getting a Medal of Valor for being shot. I thought it was cute when he got the date tatttoed on his skin—right beneath the bullet scar.

This episode: B, Overall A +
This is the original CSI. Accept no substitutes


Anonymous said...

Emms, Have you seen Men in trees? Cute show. Are you watching Dancing with the stars? I was pissed no Project runway this week. WTF??? LU

The Broards said...

A friend at work Likes Men in Trees, but I haven't seen it yet.
I think PR finale is this Wednesday?