Thursday, September 21, 2006

What We Can't Do

This bit of nostalgia is not for you young whippersnappers who read this blog, but for my older, more seasoned, readers.

What We Can't Do in Parking Lots Anymore
Remember when you saw someone walk away from their car and they had left their headlights on? Being the pleasant people we are, we'd call out to them, "Hey! You left your lights on!" They'd smile , kind of smack their heads in a Gee-I-Coulda-Had-a-V8-Moment, and say "Thanks!" and go and flip off their headlights.
You felt good because you had done a Good Deed. The other person felt good because another human being had saved them from a dead battery.
You say "Hey! You left your lights on," and they turn and snarl "THEY GO OFF AUTOMATICALLY!" and look at you like you were from Outer Space.
Well, Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse the fuck out of me.


Meme said...

Not all of us have Lexus's some of us still need telling ;)

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid in elementary school (back when we had to watch out for low-flying pterodactyls), when Mom and Dad would go into the grocery store, they would leave us kids to wait in the car. Does anyone dare to do that any more with kids who aren't high school age?

The Broards said...

Kath, yesterday at Kroger's I saw a woman who had her hair in curlers! I can't remember the last time I saw this. When I was in high school, women going out shopping with their hair in rollers was a common occurence.

Believe it or not, *I* was the one who was trying to be nice! :)

Meme said...

we leave sam and tom in the car when we go into lidls no one in their right mind would approach them by the time we get to the door they are in full throttle punchinfg kicking and biting each other ,its the one advantage of having vile kids ,no one wants them

Waltzing Matilda said...

Mum LOL!

My headlights are automatic, but they automatically go off when I cut the engine off. 1996 Chevy Corsica, btw.

Waltzing Matilda said...

I walked to school when we lived in NJ, but it was only uphill one way.

schell said...

I can remember my dad actually opening a stranger's car door and turning off their lights because they were no where to be found.
And, my brother and I had our best fights when we were left alone in the car.

Anonymous said...

My Mother never left us in the car. Somebody would have died.

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

When my little brother broke his leg My mom and dad used to visit him in the hospital. He was in a complete leg cast and in hospital for a few weeks. They would leave the 6 of us in the car while they visited him. Kids were not allowed in the hospital. I suppose, as the oldest I was in charge, but I think I would have been 10 or 11