Sunday, March 19, 2006

Busy Weekend

1. Got new tires for the Lexus

2. LP and I stayed Saturday night at my Mom’s. Ordered pizza and salad, washed her dishes, scrubbed her sink, cleaned her toilets, changed her broken wrist bandages and soaked her arm, and watered her houseplants. And yes, Schell, she had a martini.

3. Did some yard work today, but we might get snow overnight tomorrow.

4. Went to Menard’s with BP and bought some gutter downspouts and assorted accoutrements.

5. Did six loads of laundry.

6. Watched a taped biography on Food TV’s Ina “Barefoot Contessa” Garten.

7. Vacuumed the living room.

8. ohh-ohh . . . Meme, guess what? The cat learned something cute to do! I’ll detail it in the next update!

I’m tired. Oops, I forgot to mention that we bought and watched Good NIght and Good Luck. Terrific movie. I was impressed with Dubya, Rummy, and Ashcroft playing the part of Joseph McCarthy. Good job, fellas!


vq said...

Fabulous movie, wasn't it?

UrbanStarGazer said...

I'm bummed that I missed that Chefography -- the Ina Garten one. How was it?

schell said...

I'm glad she didn't let her injury get in the way of her libations. How did you get LP to scrub toilets?

The Broards said...

Verbie: It was wonderful. Clooney di da good job of directing. Patricia Clarkson is such a beautiful woman.

Urban: I'm sure Food TV will rerun them. Ina's is a good story. She was just an adorable kid. She loved science and won a lot of science fairs. She met Jeffrey when she was 15 and he was a sophomore in college (she went to visit her brother). They started dating when she was 16 and married a year later. They've been married almost forty years! She wrote nuclear energy policy in 1974 for Gerald Ford, then she bought the Barefoot Contessa shop in West Hampton---she later moved the whole operation to East Hampton.

Schell: Get real. I scrubbed.

vq said...

I made a Barefoot Contessa recipe for caramelized onion dip, for the Super Bowl. God, it was good. I meant to post it, but it was right around the ABS1 disaster.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why she and Jeffery never had any kids.....hmmmm. Not that it's any of my business. I watched the Paula and Giada Chefograpy... Love the food network...Thank god there was no Rachel Ray one. I still remember the post about funny


Sonya said...

I'm sure Ina's sweet & all, but I absolutely can't stand watching her. She is like cardboard.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Verb -- I love that recipe. The one for the sun dried tomato dip is reeeeeeally good too!!