Monday, July 14, 2008


A reply to blu's comment on the post below.

Since my garden’s pretty well established—except for the plants I dig and divide, or move—it takes some time in the early spring to cut off the dead foliage, fertilize and apply new mulch, but other than that I don’t do too much except care for the few container plants (which I water weekly during the very hot weather.)
I mostly pick plants that do well in this zone so I do not water, I let Mother Nature do that. This time of year I only spend about one hour a week on my garden and that’s doing weeding.

Garden chores by the season:

SPRING: Clean up dead foliage and leaves from the beds. Dig & divide when necessary. Work in fertilizer and/or manure at base of plants. Fluff up and/or reapply mulch. Plant annuals—either seed or plants.

SUMMER: Weed, weed, weed. Enjoy. Water and fertilize container plants as needed.

FALL: ‘Long about October I’m sick of gardening, so I only dig & divide if needed. Plant bulbs and move plants around if needed. I usually let things go to seed over winter so the birds can have at it.

WINTER: Nada except look at seed catalogs and long for spring

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