Monday, September 11, 2006

Communicator/Reading List

Of course I'm not going to take Sparky's advice(so you can stop reading now Sparks and save yourself aggrevation) about psychiatry (hasn't the dumbass figured out I'm a Scientologist after all?) but since my Big 5-0 is going to come before the year's end, I've been making a list of things I want to accomplish over the next five years. Those of you who are in my age-range--remember the Soviet Union's infamous Five Year Plans? They'd have Five Year Plans, and more Five Year Plans, but I don't think anything was ever accomplished until the Great Communicator Ronald Wilson Reagan brought down Communism! YAY R.W.R!! What a Communicator he was:

RWR: Mommy, remember my heyday in movies?
Nancy:(adoringly) Yes, Dear.
RWR: I was quite the actor wasn't I?
Nancy:(adoringly) Yes, Dear.
RWR: I was handsome and debonair. Right?
Nancy:(adoringly) Yes, Dear.
RWR: Did I ever win an Oscar, Mommy.
Nancy: (sadly, yet adoringly) No, Dear.
RWR: Was I married to you or Jane Wyman when I was in Bonzo?
Nancy: (gritting teeth) It's time for dinner, Dear. Dessert is your favorite! Applesauce!

Anyway, I digress. As part as my 5-0, on my LIST OF THINGS TO DO OVER A FIVE YEAR PERIOD, I'm making a list of books I want to read and/or reread. So if you will, please list four or five of your favorites (or ones that you've been meaning to read, even.) List them here or email me at . I am thanking you.


UrbanStarGazer said...


To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Angle of Repose, Wallace Stegner

All of the Leaphorn and Chee books by Tony Hillerman

All of the Ramona the Pest books by Beverly Cleary

The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand (yes, I said it)

Anonymous said...

1) Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
2) The Green Mile - Stephen King
3) Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe
4) The Lorax - Dr Seuss
5) Inkheart - Cornelia Funke

Anonymous said...

OK, here is my List Of Books To Read/ReRead In The Next Seven Years (I just turned 48):

1. All of Rememberance of Things Past by Proust.

2. The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki (reread)

3. The Charles Dickens novels that I haven't read yet.

4. The entire Aubrey/Maturin series (a reread that I will enjoy)

5. The Pulitzer Prize Fiction Winners that I haven't read yet (to date, I've read though 1995).

Anonymous said...

It's hard to narrow down but here goes. Now remember, I am not college educated (unless beauty school counts!!!) I may not be as smarty as the rest of you, but I know what I like. Ok that being said.

Jaws Peter Benchley
The giving tree Shel Silverstein
Lonesome dove Larry Mc Murtry
The Thornbirds Colleen McCullough
The Stand Stephen King Lu Lu

Anonymous said...

What a fun question!

I Capture The Castle - Dodie Smith
Straight Man - Richard Russo
Vanity Fair - J.M. Thackeray
Sarum - Edward Rutherfurd
How To Improve Your Taste in Men's Looks in 30 Days - Dob Bylan

Meme said...

Billy Liar- Kieth Waterhouse
Cider with Rosie -Laurie lee
Brideshead revisited -Evylin Waugh
Rebecca- daphne du maurier
101 uses for a dead -simon Bond

The Broards said...

Thanks to all--
LOL fez Dob Bylan

Sonya said...

My favorites list is exceptional but dour, so here are four books that are just plain fun AND good:

That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx
Happy All the Time by Laurie Colwin
A Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Banks
Independence Day by Richard Ford (sequel coming out in October!)

(Cumbersome list--I would not be the same person if I had not read these books: A Passage to India; Any Human Heart; The Moonstone; King Lear; Pale Fire.)

Anonymous said...

To a degree, Tree, what we are is the sum of all the books we have read - which is a sobering thought, when you consider all those Trixie Belden books I inhaled when I was a young teenager.

Anonymous said...

The Animation of a Mind's Eye
by Johuan Kiosky

Phranquophiles in Hiding
by Alice DeBowdles

Creep! Nouning a Verb!
by Dr. Raymundo Cavalier

Norma is as Norma Does
by Adam Webbe

Richie Rich, A Dinosaur in Banker's Clothing
by Judic West

Sonya said...

I think there's a difference between the books you breeze through and the ones that somehow impact the way you either think or see life. Those I listed as the most impactful (is that a dirty word) changed me more than many books I've read. I don't know. There's got to be a way to map the culture that has made me me.

Meme said...

apart from any Human Heart the other four books on your impact list were on my school reading list in year 10

Meme said...

Oh an pale heart wasn;t I didn;t see that before

Sonya said...

I guess I have a case of arrested development. I didn't read those books until I was an adult.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I forgot about Independence Day, and The Sportswriter. Loved them.

Anonymous said...

let's see favorite books:
Iris Murdoch A Fairly Honourable Defeat

VS Naipaul A House for Mr Biswas

AS Byatt Possession

Michael Malone--anything

Mary Shelley Frankenstein

Byatt & Malone changed my life.