Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Our air-conditioner broken down last night. It’s hot in here.
Now on to more important things:

Loved Marcellas calling Kaysar “The Iraqi Peach” haha
Loved that George looked like the blueberry chick in Willie Wonka.
George’s Veto speech was sweet.

On the other hand:

The evil Dr. Will should be ashamed of himself for his “I hate you all” speech. If it’s part of his gameplay, it sucks. Why in heavens name is everyone so scared of him? He’s a loser and they should grant his wish and send him packing. If anyone else made that speech they’d be voted out immediately, but people must be thinking they want him in the Final Two. That’s not going to happen. Some milquetoast like Blah Erica will probably win.

And Jase. Holy moly—people who “call out” other players—whether on BB or Survivor—are just stupid with a Capital S.

Would you shave your head to stay in the game? I would. What’s the big deal? It’s just hair. Kaysar still looked way hot.

Kinda like the way I feel . . . without air-conditioning.


Waltzing Matilda said...

Wemma what t.v. show are you talking about??

The Broards said...

Big Brother 7:

Anonymous said...

You have my sympathies on the air conditioner.

Jenny Robin said...

poor emma
my A/C went out 3 times last week in triple digit temps
they replaced the motor and it's working great now

ha ha ha