Thursday, March 09, 2006

This is about television

Project Runway.
Daniel V got screwed. He deserved to win. He won the majority of the challenges on this season. His designs were wonderful. I like Chloe, but in my mind she came in second. The judges were right about Santino’s clothes. They were beautiful, but the tops didn’t fit. Why would you go to an important debut like this and not fit your clothes on a live person?? I’m glad Michael Kors offered Daniel a job. He’ll go far.
I’ll miss Tim Gunn.

Sons and Daughters.
There’s a new sitcom on ABC. Sons and Daughters is produced by SNL’s Lorne Michaels. It is very very funny. Max Gail (Detective Wojohowicz from Barney Miller) plays the main character’s stepfather. What fun it is to see him back on tv. They have a stereotypical old lady character by the name of Aunt Rae. She’s what Archie Bunker’s older sister would be like. Check it out. Wednesdays.

The Amazing Race.
It’s too early in The Amazing Race to be interesting. They have a wacko dentist and his wife. The dentist (name is “Lake” as in the ocean) who one team calls “Scott Peterson.” Ha ha.

New sitcom.
I love Julia Louis Dreyfuss but I doubt if I’ll watch her new show The New Adventures of Old Christine. The previews show typical blah sitcom fare.


schell said...

I'm looking forward to TNAOOE.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I met the Wojohowitz guy at a concert once, he was very, VERY strange.