Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Enough Immoral Scandals to Sink a Battleship, All From Someone the Religious Right Elected

George Dubya’s administration is neck deep in scandals. How many more must we endure?

(not listed in any particular order)

Hanky-panky in Florida in first election/stealing election from Al Gore.

The whole Iraqi War and absence of any WMDs

Outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame for political payback

Scooter Libby/ Karl Rove (who still has his job)

Jack Abramoff

The Katrina mess and failure of FEMA/Homeland Security

Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse

Guantanamo prisoner issues

Unlawful wiretapping of citizens

No bid Halliburton contracts

Underestimating/lying about the real cost of Iraqi war

Tom Delay

AWOL Vice President who lives in a bunker except when he comes out of hiding to shoot his friend in the face and chest

Plus he has done nothing about:

Selling off national forests to private interests

Global warming

1 comment:

sparky said...

The sign of a great president is one who can weather all these foolish scandals of the day and soldier on with his own agenda be it right or wrong . George W Bush will go down in history as one of the great presidents , much to the chagrin of Emmawrites who will swear to her dying day the guy was pulling off some funny crap on a daily basis and was never called out on it . AK