Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thanks, Clanky

I emailed my husband that weird boob picture Clanks posted on her blog with "Be thankful I don't have boobs like this." He emailed me back, "NEVER send me anything like that again!"



Brenda said...

that picture is damn scary.

Anonymous said...

who is Clanky?
Member of The Out Group

Anonymous said...

NM -- found it

Anonymous said...

what is the out group?

Clank Napper said...

Yes, what is the outgroup? I would imagine it's some sort of society of supermodels or something, what with me being a six foot blonde and all.

Anonymous said...

"out group" heh

this made me think of when someone accused Verb and Tree having an exclusive clique of just them and how horrible they were for it. i still laugh at that.
